Friday, September 8, 2017
Seven years after Libby Graves contacted WREG's "Pass It On" concerning an employee who had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, she received the surprise of her life when Tim Simpson and the Channel 3 news crew show up to help her in her time of need. "What goes around comes around," said Elisha Escue who contacted the station after Libby and her son lost everything but the clothes on their backs in a housefire.
Every Tuesday News Channel 3 at 10 takes $300 from the petty cash drawer and finds someone to be their “Playmaker.” Former host of "Pass It On", Richard Ransom, loved the segment. “It truly has shown what a generous community we live in,” Ransom says. “The kindness people show every week crosses lines of race and class all the time. It can be pretty emotional.”
That emotion was just on the surface when Tim Simpson, the new host, showed up at 3315 Overton Crossing to "Pass it on."
Libby has worked at Centro since 1997 in the accounting department. Elisha Escue has worked as receptionist since 2007.
To see the full story go to WREG "Pass It On."
Libby may have lost her home and possessions, she didn't lose her friends, her son or a dog named Smokey.