Friday, June 21, 2013
Bill Wellborn
Editor - Memphis Business Journal
There are at least 100 private companies that report 2012 revenue of more than $42 million.
And there are a handful of private firms that have had plenty of growth and success but fell just short of being included in our annual Top 100 Largest Private Companies list.
If the list were a bit longer, Centro Inc. would be listed in the No. 101 spot with annual revenue of $41.5 million. But that’s OK with Centro president Mike Gallagher, who is confident his company will easily make the list next year.
Centro recently was named Small Business of the Year in Memphis Business Journal’s Small Business Awards, a recognition that Gallagher had been determined to achieve.
“One of my goals for the company was to be Small Business of the Year,” Gallagher says. “The next step is to be recognized as one of the Top 100 private companies.”
Sales in 2013 are expected to far surpass Centro’s 2012 numbers, which should put the company well within the ranks of the Top 100 next year.
“I’m looking forward to it,” Gallagher says.
Classic American Hardwoods, coincidentally another former Small Business Award winner, also could be included among the just-missed list of the Top 100.
Company president Bill Courtney wouldn’t mind making the list, but it’s not on his list of goals at present.
“It’s a goal of mine to grow my business,” Courtney says. “I would love to be on that list because my employees would feel good about it. I would love the honor and would love the recognition.”
With about $38 million in revenue, Courtney says gaining the level of revenue necessary to make the Top 100 would require a substantial investment in equipment to increase his production.
“My business is a manufacturing business,” he says. “I’m not going to make that investment right now.”
Instead, Courtney is pleased with way his business is going. And he’s not too upset about being out of the running for the Top 100.
“I’m fat and redheaded,” he says. “I’m used to being left off lists.”