In addition, they are the easiest to use, most reliable, and most advanced HMIs and industrial PCs on the market today. Their support is exceptionally good, and they offer a wide range of products, including enhanced, standard, basic, compact, modular, multimedia, and handheld HMIs. If you want high-end HMIs from an authorized distributor, look no further than Centro. We can connect you with Pro-face and provide you with all the resources you need to get going with their products quickly and efficiently.
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Human Machine Interfaces
The Pro-face family of Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) offers extensive connectivity, easy-to-read displays, and multiple screen size options. Their wide variety of products include enhanced, standard, basic, compact, modular, multi-media, and handheld HMIs.
GP-4000: The New Pro-face Standard
Best in Class Connectivity, Powerful HMI Functionality and Full Compatibility with legacy Pro-face GP-Pro EX and GP3000 products. GP4000 HMI drivers allow you to "talk to" your preferred PLC, vision system, motion controller, temperature controller, inverter, bar code reader, and actuator.
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