Thursday, September 24, 2020
How Centro Is Handling the Disruption Of COVID-19
Very early in the process of mandatory business suspensions, Centro was informed by our suppliers and many of our customers that we were classified as Essential Industries.
As a supplier to CISA Classified Essential Industries, Centro Inc. is by association, classified as an essential business. We have maintained our regular business hours and customer service functions in our 8 locations in Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, and Louisiana.
We have created contingency plans to maintain our ability to serve our customers. We have developed safe workplace rules that include social distancing, mask-wearing in an enclosed environment, and daily sanitary practices in our locations.
We also have leveraged technology by using company video conference rooms to conduct key vendor and end-user meetings plus product training. We have suspended all discretionary travel but continue to maintain our customers' availability for in-person sales/technical support calls.